Earlier we told you about the Daily Caller’s attempt to get the Joe Biden campaign’s response to an inquiry about the candidate’s position on monument toppling:
Daily Caller finds Team Biden in NO rush to say if their candidate ‘agrees with Dems who want to tear down statues of Washington, Grant, Roosevelt, and depictions of Jesus’ https://t.co/THdjhrZaht
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 26, 2020
The Biden campaign’s rapid response director was more than happy to answer that particular inquiry. Wait, no he wasn’t:
LeT's LoAd ThE dEaTh StAr WiTh DaIlY cAlLeR sToRiEs ThAt WiLl WoRk!
— Andrew Bates (@AndrewBatesNC) June 26, 2020
That’s the arrogance of a campaign staffer who knows the Dem nominee has the MSM firmly on their side:
This guy is not actually involved in Joe Biden's presidential campaign. The media is Biden's rapid response team. They are his campaign managers. They are his campaign.
People like Andrew here are on payroll strictly to guard the exits of Biden's basement. https://t.co/UtpotZZQKs
— The Partyman (@PartymanRandy) June 26, 2020
Biden's Director of Rabid Response https://t.co/LYvfBR2GXe
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) June 26, 2020
Since we apparently have your attention, why did Joe Biden bring up the Logan Act when talking about Michael Flynn during a Jan. 5, 2017 White House meeting? https://t.co/juN79XwDsz
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) June 26, 2020
Rapid response pic.twitter.com/ETIMY28Djw
— Pita Masima (@pitamasima) June 26, 2020
I thought Joe said he had never been in such a meeting…?
— Don Carter (@d1carter) June 26, 2020
Nobody in the campaign seems eager to help clear things up.