As we’ve told you today, anti-Trump Democrats such as a member of Congress, Hillary Clinton and David Axelrod have used a picture of the White House with most of the lights off in an attempt to make it symbolic of the current president. The problem? The photo is a slightly doctored version of a picture taken when Barack Obama was still in office.
But that’s nothing compared to what actress Debra Messing tweeted in order to make Trump’s walk to St. Johns Church last night look as Hitlerish as possible:
A dog whistle to white nationalists and Nazis.
— Debra Messing✍? (@DebraMessing) June 2, 2020
Absolutely shameless.
The Hitler image is fake.
— Scott W. Graves ?? (@ScottWGraves) June 2, 2020
You DO realize the Hitler photo is a fake, don't you? It was photo-shopped you mindless twit.
— Neal Boortz (@Talkmaster) June 2, 2020
If Messing realizes that, she doesn’t care.
Oops! Narrative broken.
— Foxy ? (@thewaryfox) June 2, 2020
There are millionaires in Hollywood who are literally out of their minds
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) June 2, 2020
Is everything you do fake?
It's easily debunked. Yet, you haven't deleted it,because facts don't matter to insane idiots such ass yourself.
— Low&Slow (@ClaudesBBQ) June 2, 2020
Oh lawd, this is desperate.
Debra Messing is Jewish.
She's using a photoshopped image, of a genocidal maniac who murdered six million of her fellow-men, to 'own @POTUS'
These people are insane.
— Death Blossom #Indict44 (@MsSuperAlias) June 2, 2020
Except when the Hitler photo is FAKE it ends up being a dog whistle for desperate, hateful people with no moral compass, like you.
Every time you do things like this you lose more and more support.
Just. Stop.
— Larry O'Connor (@LarryOConnor) June 2, 2020
the Hitler photo is fake
— (((citizen))) (@therealdburnett) June 2, 2020
The level of hate is unreal.
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