As we told you this morning, former Obama DNI James Clapper had a bizarre interview on CNN this morning. Clapper made a lot of claims during the interview, but none of them should be believed because he’s a proven liar, as is Rep. Adam Schiff. But don’t believe us, here’s video evidence from the Media Research Center showing how CNN spent years lapping up Clapper and Schiff’s lies like they were covered in chocolate syrup:
For two years, @CNN eagerly offered itself as a platform for Adam Schiff and James Clapper to claim there was "significant evidence" of Russian collusion.
Now we know multiple former Obama administration officials said under oath they saw no evidence of it… including Clapper.
— MediaResearchCenter (@theMRC) May 14, 2020
Read the full story here.
— MediaResearchCenter (@theMRC) May 14, 2020
Yep, there was “collusion,” just not the kind CNN and their Resistance guests wanted everybody to believe.
This Is What Collusion Looks Like.
— Sean Bergin (@SeanBerginNews) May 14, 2020
The anti-Trump Resistance crying “collusion” is nothing short of full projection.
It's right there, in plain sight!
— BillD666 (@BillD666) May 14, 2020
Clapper and Schiff lied on CNN for years, so naturally CNN is still happy to give them a platform.
The level of media corruption is clear and just shows that they are just a part of the DNC as a whole
— Jorge Aguilar (@JorgeAg36630227) May 14, 2020
Nice work MRC! Keep the pressure on.
— Dean Erlandson (@derlands) May 14, 2020
Seems a lot of these moronic talking heads have a lot of explaining to do…
Under oath…
In front of a congressional panel…
— Dan Bowen (@ScotchGuyDan) May 14, 2020
Pass the popcorn.
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