The global coronavirus pandemic has brought with it a record number of media hot takes so scorching they’re at risk of spontaneously combusting. Here’s one of the latest courtesy of Axios:
The coronavirus pandemic is laying bare America's stark class inequality and, some experts say, should lead to more urgent policy conversations about housing, wages and worker rights.
— Axios (@axios) April 1, 2020
There it is!
Never letting a crisis go to waste
— Glenn Amurgis (@gamurgis) April 1, 2020
The saying “never let a crisis go to waste” is getting a real workout these days.
— RGK?????????????? (@GAMMARAYS1978) April 1, 2020
The communists are struggling to remain relevant.
— MarketRunner (@SWGaspar) April 1, 2020
They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.
— Michael Walsh (@dkahanerules) April 1, 2020
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