It sounds as if former DNC chair Donna Brazile thinks it’s time for the Dems to take the gloves off (as if they haven’t already in order to throw everything at the wall in order to see what sticks). Here’s why:
We are at war folks. The @GOP is in no mood for bi-partisanship. It’s scorch earth non stop. Stop and think. Why? They’re working to win.
RNC funded roughly 11,000 automated calls to jam up House Democrats' phone lines amid impeachment battle: Report
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) February 10, 2020
First of all, the story is classic New York Times:
"Reportedly" … "Two unnamed sources"… New York Times.
— JimmyNashville (@JimmyNashville1) February 10, 2020
"Two unnamed sources briefed on the effort told The New York Times"
— Rather Notsay (@rathernotsay) February 10, 2020
Wow, that sounds a lot like the John Bolton report from the NY Times that Democrats (and Mitt Romney) wanted to use as justification to extend the impeachment trial. Meanwhile, Brazile was informed she should sit this one out:
Don't you have other things to do, such as giving debate answers in advance to your preferred candidate?
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) February 10, 2020
OMG – they're using Democrat tactics??? Have they given their preferred candidate copies of the questions?
— Mike Wilson (@mustangmike53) February 10, 2020
Another day, another Dem is spotted projecting.
Scorched Earth? You must be describing the last 4 years of not accepting the results of the 2016 election.
Lying to FISA courts
Fake collusion
Daily Libellous SlanderDems have been following a scorched earth policy since day 1.
— Founding Ideals (@founding_ideals) February 10, 2020
Probably less of a big deal than having a party (namely the DNC) inject Russian & Ukrainian disinformation into our 2016 election.
— Stacey – AKA The Liberty Gypsy (@ScotsFyre) February 10, 2020
Now do Kavanaugh calls, Donna.
They didn't fund me to call.
I called on my own, as did others.— Sandy 〽️ (@RightGlockMom) February 10, 2020
Just like when people disagree with Democrats en masse are accused of being Russian bots.
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