Today is Columbus Day, and Elizabeth Warren probably should have avoided the topic entirely, but having zero self-awareness means you’re able to still tweet things like this:
The story of America’s mistreatment of indigenous peoples is long and painful. And yet, Native communities have proven resilient. We owe them our respect—and we must honor our government's commitments and promises to them. #IndigenousPeoplesDay
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) October 14, 2019
Oh come on!
Oh my
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) October 14, 2019
Do we mention the thing?
— mitrebox (@mitrebox) October 14, 2019
Who on the campaign was obtuse enough to think this was a good idea
— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) October 14, 2019
Surely the least self aware person on Planet Earth
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 14, 2019
Her lack of self-awareness is stunning, isn't it?
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) October 14, 2019
Just a little!
I know of one way to avoid disrespecting Native Americans
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) October 14, 2019
Apparently Warren doesn’t.
I heard some people even culturally appropriate Native American identity in order to get cushy gigs at Harvard Law School, as shocking as that sounds!
— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) October 14, 2019
Remember that time you spent years exploiting indigenous peoples by pretending to be one.
— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) October 14, 2019
Lizzy should have sat this one out lol
— RPK (@RPK_) October 14, 2019
The irony of this tweet went right over her head.
— ❤️??Let’s Talk When… ??❤️ (@lmsassy) October 14, 2019
Yikes ?. You went there. And with a straight face. Unfreakingbelievable.
— Nancy's Dentures ??? (@velcra820) October 14, 2019
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 14, 2019
So much respect that we even lie to pretend we're one of them for personal gain.
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) October 14, 2019
— Bae Guevara (@guevara_bae) October 14, 2019
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) October 14, 2019
maybe she should sit at least 1/2400 out of this one
— Keith maloney (@Keithmaloney76) October 14, 2019
This would be a lot more genuine if it wasn't coming from someone that PRETENDED TO BE A NATIVE AMERICAN.
— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) October 14, 2019
There are many Dems clamoring to be noticed in the 2020 field, but Warren’s certainly one of the most shameless so far.
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