Today’s Great Moment in Self-Unawareness comes to us courtesy of former Bill Clinton spokesman Joe Lockhart:
Another difference between Republicans and Democrats. Republicans will fight to the death for Kavanaugh because he's part of the club. Al Franken was part of the club on the D side, but that didn't save him. Taking care of your own whatever they did versus having principles.
— Joe Lockhart (@joelockhart) September 16, 2019
Well isn’t that special.
Only way this could be better is if James Carville retweets it.
— BT (@back_ttys) September 16, 2019
It really would!
You served under @BillClinton and you have the nerve to write this? What consequence did Bill Clinton face for raping @atensnut?
Cc @PolitiBunny
— (((Aaron “Worthing” Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) September 16, 2019
“Who is Bill Clinton?”
— While Supplies Last (@corrcomm) September 16, 2019
Bill Clinton.
— bsudah, cigar and whiskey consumer extraordinaire (@bsudah) September 16, 2019
Ds fought to the death to save Bill Clinton during Impeachment. Again, you’re full of sh*t!
— Bryan Cooper (@xtcoop) September 16, 2019
And let’s just say Lockhart’s comparison is such a powerful stretch that it would snap a bungee cord:
Well, Kavanaugh didn't do anything. So it's a pretty weak comparison.
— RBe (@RBPundit) September 16, 2019
Franken = Actual stories, evidence, collaborating witnesses
Kavanaugh = None of that. Zero.
— Lucky McCharm Elf Unleashed™ (@TheRogue_Elf) September 16, 2019
Yeah, wild, uncorroborated accusations of a high school kid vs a grown man smiling in a photo where he’s groping a sleeping woman. Good comparison!
— Greg (@BankofGSimms) September 16, 2019
Al Franken made the decision to resign AGAINST calls from prominent Democrats for him to remain in office.
His behavior was excused and waved away at every turn.
And there is no evidence for the accusations against Kavanaugh. The same cannot be said of Franken.
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) September 16, 2019
Other than that, Lockhart totally nailed it! *Eye roll*
That's hilarious dude.
— George Smith (@P1B_WMichigan) September 16, 2019
This is what delusion looks like:
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) September 16, 2019
Absolutely delusional.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) September 16, 2019
“Delusional” is the order of the day in Democrat politics.
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