Next Wednesday, ten 2020 Dem hopefuls will appear on CNN for a climate change town hall, and it’ll all be over with in seven — SEVEN — hours:
CNN announces seven-hour Democratic presidential candidates' town hall on climate change. Ten candidates to appear consecutively, 40 minutes each.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) August 27, 2019
For anybody who might feel compelled for some reason to put themselves through that whole thing, Sen. Ted Cruz has come to the rescue on constitutional grounds:
SEVEN hours. The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution provides, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) August 28, 2019
Whew! That’s good to know.
Totally a violation of the 8th.
SEVEN HOURS? Who is going to watch this?!— Emily DeArdo (@emdeardo) August 28, 2019
— Chris Gambino (@Chrisgambino71) August 28, 2019
All that hot air cannot be good for the climate.
— Nehal Jaruu (@MCJaruu) August 28, 2019
Ten candidates flying to New York City specifically for a town hall on the threat posed by fossil fuel emissions can’t help matters either.
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