In a previous episode of “Bernie Sanders, Self-Appointed Corporate CFO,” we saw the presidential candidate come out and shame McDonald’s while explaining why that company (and presumably its franchisees) can afford to raise wages. Sanders has now set his sights on helping Walmart with its financial management:
The Waltons – the owners of Walmart – earn $25,000 a minute.
The average Walmart employee makes $25,000 a year.
My message to the Waltons is simple: Pay your employees a living wage of $15 an hour!
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) June 5, 2019
We’d say it would be fun to let a career left-wing politician like Sanders run a large corporation for a year just to see how fast it went under, but too many innocent workers would be left in the wake of fail that would ensue.
It's true that Walmart's minimum starting wage is $11 and hour.
It is also true that the average full-time employee at Walmart earns almost $15 an hour plus benefits.
— Michelle Ray (@RagnarsMate) June 5, 2019
To say nothing of the difference geography makes in wage discussions. It’s all absurd beyond belief
— Rick Sheridan (@RickSheridan) June 5, 2019
“Absurd beyond belief” never seems to deter Sanders.
Ummm … Walmart is a public company
— The H2 (@TheH2) June 5, 2019
guess who sat on their Board of Directors for 6 years?
go on, guess. I'll spot you an H
— DaveinTexas (@DaveinTexas) June 5, 2019
The employees of Walmart didn't put up a dollar of equity. Nor does their salary drop if the company has losses, Comrade Magoo.
— Pissed Pat (@Pissed_Pat) June 5, 2019
But maybe there’s a better way to get ahead, “Democrat socialist”-style:
Why don't you just tell them to write a book so they too can be a millionaire like you?
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) June 5, 2019
Being a non-hypocritical socialist is that easy!
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