We told you earlier about NBC News journo Marianna Sotomayor tweeting, “For the first time in history there is more than one female politician running for president. Sen. Klobuchar became the fifth woman to announce today.” After an avalanche of fact checks, that tweet was deleted and the reporter issued this correction/explanation:
Correcting an earlier tweet. What I should have written is that the field of Democratic women presidential candidates is the largest in history. pic.twitter.com/QgFPAzcFP8
— Marianna Sotomayor (@MariannaNBCNews) February 11, 2019
Well that’s some correction, because it’s very different than the original tweet, except for the fact that it’s still not right:
That is still incorrect.
In 2004, 6 women competed for the Democratic nomination.Florence Walker
Katherine Bateman
Jeanne Chebib
Caroline Killeen
Mildred T. Glover
Carol Moseley Braunhttps://t.co/n218gKQ8KO— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) February 11, 2019
Democrats, 2004. There were six. Try Google or Bing or something. Don't journalists have access to stuff like research?
— Cindy Bis (@cindybis) February 11, 2019
“Journalism” has started another week strong.
Live look at @MariannaNBCNews. pic.twitter.com/ORnDdCGP3C
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) February 11, 2019
Bless your heart… still wrong. Do you not have access to google?
— Kathy (@kathy5271) February 11, 2019
Swing and a miss…strike two.
— Kevin Philpot (@KevinPhilpot) February 11, 2019
The 2020 Democrat field of female candidates may indeed become the largest in history, but it isn’t yet.
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