“Anchorman” and “The Big Short” director Adam McKay has accused the media of dereliction of duty, and it’s got nothing to do with their blatantly obvious lack of objectivity, but rather for their hesitance to “report” what’s about to kill everybody:
Why won’t our media talk about global warming, the most important story in human history?
An extinction level event that is bearing down on us faster and faster?
It really is an insane and unparalleled dereliction of duty on the part of the media.
— Adam McKay (@GhostPanther) November 10, 2018
Let me give a constructive suggestion to TV, online and print news outlets. Put the words “BREAKING NEWS: BILLIONS WILL DIE UNLESS FOSIL FUELS ARE BANNED”
That’s actually a measured response to the data we’re seeing.— Adam McKay (@GhostPanther) November 10, 2018
Maybe start by calling on all of Hollywood to forgo their private jets, SUV limos and mansions with Godzilla-sized carbon footprints. #Crickets
You wrote, directed, and produced a movie about race cars that grossed over $160 million. https://t.co/a8EKrxz47I
— Cuffy (@CuffyMeh) November 11, 2018
If there’s a “Talladega Nights II” all the cars should be solar powered.
Adam, very specifically what data should convince me that a few hundred ppm CO2 can ever kill even one person, let alone billions of people? https://t.co/KDJs3k4ITC
— Tom Nelson (@tan123) November 11, 2018
Sorry. I'm frozen solid from the ice age in the '70s and '80s, and under water from when the oceans rose in the early 2000s. Afraid I'm not alive to hear the latest hysteria. https://t.co/LSzOKihgZs
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) November 12, 2018
And besides, maybe people are immune to alarmist rhetoric these days:
How can this be true when billions already died from the tax cuts? https://t.co/29z9ieFgnC
— Dan (@BullsLawDan) November 12, 2018
That along with net neutrality.
I miss the days when people with carbon footprints that dwarf mine didn't lecture me about climate.
— BT (@back_ttys) November 11, 2018
The level of hypocrisy is stunning.
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