Last night, CNN fired back at President Trump’s “fake news” criticism and tried to defend themselves this way:
Make no mistake, Mr. President, CNN does not lie. We report the news. And we report when people in power tell lies. CNN stands by our reporting and our reporters. There may be many fools in this story but @carlbernstein is not one of them.
— CNN Communications (@CNNPR) August 29, 2018
This morning, CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta asked everybody to “imagine” something:
Imagine what life would be like if the only “trusted” news source is the government, mandating what’s reported and controlling what appears in internet search engine results. I’ve visited places like that. They are not the United States of America.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) August 30, 2018
Most recently CNN’s been getting hammered over a story in which Lanny Davis admitted he was an anonymous source in their Trump Tower story. Davis also admitted he lied about it, and yet CNN’s standing by their story. Other controversial CNN moments, such as the “hands up don’t shoot” optic, have earned CNN a place among media outlets not to be trusted according to many. Having Dan Rather on “Reliable Sources” on a regular basis doesn’t help CNN’s “truth” reputation either:
Oh, the irony of this coming from a guy who works for the biggest purveyor of lies and fake news in the country.
— Charles M. Phipps (@cmpokc) August 30, 2018
Imagine what life would be like if journalists admitted their biases and used "named" sources rather than annonymous ones. Imagine what it would be like to trust the media?
— Barbara Lewis Berger (@think300) August 30, 2018
Agreed. Also, imagine what life would be like if the only "trusted" news sources blindly supported one party, where a candidate under investigation could have her aides smash several of her cell phones and the reporting would be buried on the back pages, etc…
— Stuart Stein (@SsteinStuart) August 30, 2018
At least the MSM’s had an awakening after an eight-year hibernation:
Wish Acosta said stuff like this when Obama subpoenaed AP phone records, traced Fox reporter Jim Rosen phone calls and emails and named him a "criminal co-conspirator" under the Espionage Act for scoops while covering the State Dept.
— jd mullane ☮️ (@jdmullane) August 30, 2018
If only.
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