Among Democrats releasing statements denouncing “violence in Gaza” is Rep. Keith Ellison, who had a tweet containing a couple words that raised eyebrows:
Shocked and dismayed by the lethal force used by Israeli troops against mostly unarmed protestors demonstrating at Gaza’s border. My statement with @repmarkpocan, @RepJayapal, @RepHankJohnson and @RepRaulGrijalva.
— Keith Ellison (@keithellison) May 14, 2018
Catch those two words?
"Mostly Unarmed"
Yeah, alright there Keith.
— Shay (@DeplorableShay) May 15, 2018
Really, congressman?
“Mostly unarmed”? Ellison quickly glossed over the people not among the unarmed for some reason.
Armed with i.e.d's, firebombs, glass, burning tires… But yeah, screw them for defending their borders….. #sarcasm #Israel #IslamIsTerror
— Matthew (@ApacheOutlaw11) May 15, 2018
"Mostly" meaning that there were, in fact, armed terrorists attempting to kill the Israeli soldiers.
— Doc Holliday (@MrDusty1) May 15, 2018
How dare they defend themselves against people throwing IEDs and Molotov cocktails THE NERVE
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 15, 2018
This from Farrakhan’s best friend?
I’m shocked!
— Jeremy “don’t learn to code” Frankel (@FrankelJeremy) May 15, 2018
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