Somebody doesn’t like the White House’s stance on “DREAMers,” especially when it comes to White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly:
John Kelly should try:
– Working 40 hrs a week
– Taking 21 college credits IN ONE SEMESTER
– Fighting for the Dream Act
– Helping our your family financially
– Dealing with deportation fear/anxietyAT THE SAME TIME (and succeeding) before calling Dreamers lazy. Do your job.
— Juan Escalante (@JuanSaaa) February 6, 2018
Did John Kelly just get work ethic checked? That’s not about to turn out well:
Ouch! This isn’t going well for the Kelly critic at all:
Yeah, combat Marine generals have it so easy. Do you actually hear yourself? Do you think your work situation and college is so much different than those who waited their turn?
— Pouncing Coder Brad (@bradcundiff) February 10, 2018
Boy, that John Kelly really sounds like a lazy bastard compared to you, Justice Warrior.
— While Supplies Last (@corrcomm) February 10, 2018
OMG! This is the most ignorant tweet of the year
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) February 10, 2018
"Taking 21 college credits IN ONE SEMESTER" is the new Legion of Merit with Combat V
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) February 10, 2018
And here we have an illegal alien invader,who doesn't even belong in USA has no respect for our country,our laws or our sovereignty,badmouthing and feeling superior towards a four star general of the United States Marine Corps…GTFO
— Cassidy Phoenyx (@cassidyphoenyx) February 10, 2018
‘Nuff said!
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