When you think “HealthCare.gov” do you think “wonderful example of a big government achievement”? Color MSNBC’s Chris Hayes impressed:
When it https://t.co/2YnwfLUFRY flopped its first year, it was taken as a lesson about government’s ability to get things done. So it’s worth nothing how incredibly reliable it’s become over last 4 years. Basically zero down time; no waiting rooms, etc. It can be done!
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) December 22, 2017
Ben Shapiro and Katie Pavlich capably lead things off:
It took them four years to build a functioning website. Yay. https://t.co/EOgyc6hLK0
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 22, 2017
And billions of dollars. Also, wait times are worse in most places. https://t.co/XX2dxh0Qz9
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) December 22, 2017
To consider anything to do with the setup and implementation of HealthCare.gov to be remotely a “success” requires a monumental stretch:
In four years we got a sign-up website working.
You're gonna love single-payer. https://t.co/5qsJt1CTOg
— Thankful Muppet Energy (Sunny) (@sunnyright) December 22, 2017
We can’t wait! *Eye roll*
4 years to build a website but we're the idiots who don't think the government isn't very efficient https://t.co/wckgfMY61i
— Small Gov Lizard (@smallgovlizard) December 22, 2017
Government ran program sucked but now is a little better, win! https://t.co/uXdqyXo5Gw
— Mike Honcho (@_farttaco) December 22, 2017
Chris Hayes inadvertently makes the case for govt incompetence. And he doesn't even realize it https://t.co/joe3sEbIt8
— Viva La Vida! (@Libertarian_Clt) December 22, 2017
It cost $1,700,000,000.00 to open. It probably would have been cheaper to pay people’s premiums than operate that Website. https://t.co/snHCtaMKZQ
— Ryan B. Leslie (@RyanBLeslie) December 22, 2017
Basic competence is not a selling point. It's the minimum standard you should expect. https://t.co/LlamEhjilg
— Saradin (@Saradin1337) December 22, 2017
"Worth noting…incredibly reliable…4 years…it can be done!"
One man's standard for cheerleading is another's for mockery. https://t.co/m0BJS5OIlE
— Blame Big Government (@BlameBigGovt) December 22, 2017
Government takes 4 years in production to build a website that works, and he thinks it’s a good thing https://t.co/J6lQrdXZLG
— Titus Pulo – 3rd Whistleblower (@MaryCohen68) December 22, 2017
Hmmm I wonder if it would take 4 years for a private company to make a website work… https://t.co/MqODJ4AXOF
— Matthew Stein (@mstein81) December 22, 2017
So it only took the gvt FOUR YEARS to build a functioning website? and that is what you consider efficient? pic.twitter.com/UPHP3yhar2
— Washington’s Post (@washingtonspost) December 22, 2017
Hayes’ typo was seen as somewhat Freudian:
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