Among the critics of President Trump’s decision (following the advice of the vast majority of the U.S. Senate until some learned Trump was actually going to do it) is former Obama deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes:
In addition to making goal of peace even less possible, Trump is risking huge blowback against the US and Americans. For no reason other than a political promise he doesn't even understand.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) December 6, 2017
Oh really?
Man who helped give Iran untold billions and legalized their nuclear program has some thoughts on how recognizing the capital of an ally will destabilize the region.
— ParksDept (@parks_dept) December 6, 2017
Ha! And it’s fun watching Dems hammering Trump’s decision pretend their side didn’t also spend years calling for the same thing:
"And Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided." –Barack Obama, 2008— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) December 6, 2017
But in defense of Rhodes and Obama, Obama didn't mean it and welched anyway.
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) December 6, 2017
There is no peace deal that would not include Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The rest is @brhodes cowering to threats from terrorist
— Jake valabov (@JakeValabov) December 6, 2017
Maybe former Obama flacks are uncomfortable no longer being in positions to send away pallets of cash in order to “solve” problems.
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