The controversy over the NFL’s “take a knee for the National Anthem” was missing something to put it all into global perspective, but Star Trek actor George Takei delivered:
You know where citizens are required to stand for the National Anthem? North Korea.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) September 25, 2017
Did your computer/phone MELT from the heat of that hot take?
Nor is the population of the U.S. summoned for mandatory standing and worshiping of the nation’s leader, but hey, whatever helps The Resistance cope with Hillary’s loss:
Don’t bother George with perspective, he’s on a roll!
You know where citizens get shot if they don't? Same place.
— Gene Killian (@genethelawyer) September 25, 2017
So…we're back to North Korea is bad again?
— Stephe96 (@Stephe96) September 26, 2017
False narrative. In North Korea you'd be in a work camp for your tweets, you know this @GeorgeTakei
— Bill L (@Devildog0402) September 25, 2017
You know where to find some of the dumbest comments on @Twitter?
Apparently @GeorgeTakei is throwing his hat in the ring.
— Chris Adkins (@topheradkins) September 26, 2017
Except we don't kill people for refusing to stand. You know who does? North Korea.
— Alex K (@AlexsaurusZilla) September 26, 2017
You know where people make millions upon millions of dollars just for playing a game? Hint: It’s not North Korea.
— Sound the Dread Alarm (@_ThisJustin_) September 26, 2017
Here’s an important difference that the Hollywood Left needs to be reminded about:
How many are free to leave?
— Mrs_Pinky Thoughts ??? (@mrs_pinky85) September 26, 2017
Hint: Not NEARLY as many as would be allowed to flee the U.S. out of Trump fear.
And one last thing to hash out:
Where do they stand on designing and baking cakes?
— Paul Kugman’s Fax Machine (@deepereyes) September 26, 2017
We’ll wait for an answer to that one.
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