Whenever you think "don't be that guy," Markos is that guy https://t.co/j4COx6h0fW
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) June 14, 2017
A tweet last year from Sen. Rand Paul (quoting Judge Napolitano) caught the eye of Daily Kos founder and Vox Media co-founder Markos Moulitsas:
.@Judgenap: Why do we have a Second Amendment? It's not to shoot deer. It's to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical!
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 23, 2016
After the shooting this morning in Alexandria, Virginia, the year-old tweet from Sen. Paul (who was at the baseball practice this morning during the shooting) was used as justification to say this:
Republicans are getting what they want. https://t.co/8ZUnso6JCV
— Markos Moulitsas (@markos) June 14, 2017
Another new low.
Yeeeah, no. Opening fire on a group of congressmen while they're playing baseball is not "fighting tyranny". https://t.co/hsrylYWjDx
— That Girl (@ThatGirlOpinion) June 14, 2017
Par for the “hot take” course today, sadly.
This asshole is associated with Daily-Kos and Vox. Not surprised in the least. https://t.co/jaQjRpKeg2
— Frank Parker (@fparker77) June 14, 2017
Your simple "to do" list for today: 1. Lift rock you crawled out from under 2. Immediately crawl back under it 3. Replace rock. EOM
— Marvin the Martian (@the_kaboom) June 14, 2017
We want you to keep talking. https://t.co/eh0DuHXFIJ
— ?It's?Almost ⛄️Christmas? (@jtLOL) June 14, 2017
You are part of the problem. https://t.co/rv3IlnXJpV
— LaurieAnn ??♂️? (@mooshakins) June 14, 2017
Another disgusting tweet from a member of the far left. https://t.co/30GUMLsQT7
— Aaron Bandler (@bandlersbanter) June 14, 2017
you and @davidfrum should seek professional help
— Ryan (@chasinghumility) June 14, 2017
Good advice.
Editor’s note: The post was updated to point out the additional context as to the Rand Paul tweet:
That tweet from Sen Rand Paul is a quote from Judge Napolitano BTW…A lot of people are missing that point.
— Becca H (@LadyOnTheRight1) June 14, 2017
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