Beyond parody.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) February 22, 2017
CNN and the Washington Post were among the media outlets insinuating that the riots in Sweden had something to do with President Trump’s words a couple days earlier. Citing a helpful media report, Robert Reich is doing his stuff as well:
A lot of people saw it coming, and Reich didn’t disappoint!
For those of you who joked that Trump would be blamed for riots in Sweden …
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) February 22, 2017
Please explain to me how a riot that was started by migrant gangs over the arrest of a drug dealer is the work of Trump lies?
— Nathan Zehringer (@NathanZehringer) February 22, 2017
Apparently critical thinking skills or common sense are not a requirement to be a Berkely professor.
— H. L. Chiselfritz (@RotNScoundrel) February 22, 2017
Trump: violent and dangerous refugees are a problem.
To prove their point about being actually great people, they riot. ?— NJ1 (@NJankov1) February 22, 2017
"Did you hear Trump say immigrants in Sweden are violent? Can you BELIEVE the gall? Let's go riot & pillage to prove him wrong!"
— I'm a woman, and I'm mad as Hell (@nowhere_nh) February 22, 2017
In that case, maybe Reich can figure out the answer to this question: What did Trump say before these things happened?
yes, the regular rioting in parts of Sweden are Trump inspired particularly the 2008 Malmö riots. ??????
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) February 22, 2017
In case you missed it, earlier this month Reich also had a big suspicion about who was behind the Berkeley riot.
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