Hillary Clinton spoke at a Planned Parenthood event in Washington, D.C. today and reminded the audience about one of their “constitutional rights”:
"Safe and legal abortion” is a “constitutional right” says Hillary Clinton at Planned Parenthood
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) June 10, 2016
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards has endorsed Hillary and is helping push one of her campaign’s talking points against Trump:
The Woman Card: Don't leave home without it. #ImWithHer
— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) June 10, 2016
The “Women Card” offer — also known as the “American (Stem)Express Card” — has its restrictions:
Females still en utero need not apply.
— Mitch G, Thats Me. (@mgcat) June 10, 2016
Unfortunately, many girls were murdered by your organization b4 they ever had the chance to carry one. #waronwomen
— Tarheel_Mama (@krisi_0109) June 10, 2016
Issued after birth, of course.
— Federalist Musket?? (@Patriot_Musket) June 10, 2016
LUCKY @CecileRichards who only got a Woman's Card because her mama did NOT abort her….
— Mme. PB (@MmePB) June 10, 2016
How disgusting and self-unaware is PP?
Can you charge baby organs from your local Planned Parenthood on a Woman Card? #PPSellsBabyParts
— That's LIEUTENANT COMMANDER Crapplefratz! (@Crapplefratz) June 10, 2016
Yeah, we need this to prove we are pro-woman, right? Way to insult our intelligence. #lame #IamNotWithHer
— Students for Life (@StudentsforLife) June 10, 2016
.@CecileRichards Gender is a social construct so anyone can carry one of these.
— Jason (@jasonelevation) June 10, 2016
Well that goes without saying!
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