The mainstream media is still circling the wagons around Planned Parenthood after Carly Fiorina simply told the truth about that organization and affiliated groups.
There’s a much simpler, more effective way Planned Parenthood’s defenders in the media could prove Fiorina wrong:
If MSNBC is so sure Carly Fiorina was lying about the Planned Parenthood video why not show the part she was referencing?
— Stephen Gutowski (@StephenGutowski) September 18, 2015
Media, this isn't hard. All you have to do to prove what Carly said about those tapes is a lie is post them on your websites.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 18, 2015
Gee, why won’t the liberal media prove Fiorina wrong if it would be so simple?
@StephenGutowski They are using the "stock footage" canard to obscure the truth contained in the videos.
— Jason Willoughby ?? (@jpwilloughby) September 18, 2015
@redsteeze Carly lied about a video that actually exists…Hillary telling the truth about emails that don't…
— Philip McKanna (@pmckanna) September 18, 2015
If these people choose to ignore the reality of their beliefs, force them to confront them. That's what Fiorina did, hence the attacks.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 18, 2015
Yep. Denial is their only defense.
Well? @ChrisCuomo @sallykohn @ABC @NBCNews @MSNBC @FoxNews @maddow
— MaryAnnNotGinger (@MAnotGinger) September 18, 2015
We’ll wait for an answer.
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