Judd Apatow, director of “40-Year-Old Virgin,” spoke out about guns Monday after Vince Vaughn’s defense of the 2nd Amendment that appeared in a GQ interview was reported:
32,000 people die in the U.S. every year as a result of guns. To say we shouldn't find ways to lower that number is ridiculous.
— Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) June 1, 2015
Straw man spotted!
Who is out there arguing for more gun deaths? https://t.co/mIBj91ijvt
— Griswold Christmas Vacation (@HashtagGriswold) June 1, 2015
No. Nobody sane, anyway.
Apatow was helped out with some facts:
1. 67% of those are suicides
2. At least 50% of homicides done with illegal guns
3. Gun homicides way down since 90s https://t.co/bXVqYU6pKx— NeoN: Automataster (@neontaster) June 2, 2015
Mostly by people with ILLEGAL guns. Criminals will always get guns regardless of the law #smh https://t.co/hslKLXs6rn
— ProudDeplorable (@Deplorable2341) June 2, 2015
When you're making a movie, you don't have any armed security. https://t.co/2iKLrh78Sn
— ?It's?Almost ⛄️Christmas? (@jtLOL) June 2, 2015
But guns that protect anti-gun Hollywood personalities are the good kind of guns. The rest are bad!
I want some more celebrities who live and work behind armed security to tell me how wrong Vince Vaughn is.
— ?It's?Almost ⛄️Christmas? (@jtLOL) June 2, 2015
However, this debate is nothing that can’t be ended with smug sarcasm, as evidenced by this brief Twitter conversation:
This man has never been protected by a firearm. Never. https://t.co/2iKLrh78Sn
— ?It's?Almost ⛄️Christmas? (@jtLOL) June 2, 2015
@jtLOL @JuddApatow yep those crazy autonomous guns that just rise up and shoot people all by themselves.
— Atop Greene's Hill (@atopgreeneshill) June 2, 2015
.@atopgreeneshill @jtLOL aren't guns the best? So much fun! And we can take over the government. Whenever we want! Just say when !
— Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) June 2, 2015
Kind of a fail, actually:
@JuddApatow @atopgreeneshill @jtLOL What you intended as sarcasm was actually the creed of the leaders of the American Revolution. #derp
— History Prof Brad (@brad_duren) June 2, 2015
Just don’t try to take over a Hollywood studio. The guards there have guns. Lots of guns.
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