Michelle Obama often talks about “food deserts,” saying that healthier food needs to be more readily available in America’s inner cities. An article in the New York Times pointed out that even if it were more available, that doesn’t equate to purchase (or consumption):
Giving the poor easy access to healthy food doesn't mean they'll buy it
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) May 9, 2015
@allahpundit or eat it.
— Michael Walsh (@dkahanerules) May 9, 2015
@allahpundit @iowahawkblog ..And giving them the food doesn't mean they'll eat it, either.
— VA Jeeper (@kyjeeper65) May 9, 2015
For proponents of Big Government, the fix is simple:
Solution: a new U.S. Department of Finish Your Vegetables
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 9, 2015
Ha! Sadly though, that doesn’t sound like too much of a stretch.
@iowahawkblog Moochelle Obama nominated for new Cabinet position, Secretary of Finishing Your Vegetables.
— Peter Sterne, Sr (@p_w_sterne) May 9, 2015
@iowahawkblog A personal mandate to buy vegetables or be taxed. If you like your Big Mac, you can keep your Big Mac. Period.
— DL (@DwayneLively) May 9, 2015
@iowahawkblog It will work closely with the Depts. of 'Make Your Bed' and 'Stop Touching Your Sister'.
— Nieds Dead Horse (@NDH_j_m_f) May 9, 2015
@iowahawkblog @allahpundit As a possible Secretary of Clean-up Your Damned Room in the next Clinton Administration, I find this excessive.
— John Sheridan (@JohnSheridan12) May 9, 2015
@iowahawkblog A poster of a glowering Michelle Obama captioned 'Eat you vegetables' should suffice.
— Nash Rambler (@NashRamblers) May 9, 2015
@iowahawkblog @allahpundit EBT for local sustainable organic free range cage free artisanal produce
— Eduardo Alvarez (@EdAlvarezB) May 9, 2015
@iowahawkblog "easy access"? Is there a rich people only rule at Walmart's produce section? @allahpundit
— Art Nonymous (@ArthurNonymous) May 9, 2015
@iowahawkblog The insidious brussel sprout lobby will doom us all!!!
— WE ARE DOOMED (@FilthPigPDX) May 9, 2015
@iowahawkblog It doesn't mean the grocery store won't be looted and burned to the ground during any kind of SJW event either.
— Terrence N. Phillip (@gsv45) May 9, 2015
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