Ever since NBC’s Brian Williams exposed himself as a fraud, the lefty propaganda machine has been clamoring for a scalp of their own of any non-liberal sort. They think they might have found one in the host of Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor.”
Media Matters is reportedly on the highest of alerts:
Media Matters: 'All hands on deck' for Bill O'Reilly http://t.co/vtnbs3azAR via @POLITICO
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) February 26, 2015
Media Matters is going ‘all hands on deck’ to try to take down Bill O’Reilly, working from 5 a.m. to midnight http://t.co/T7ldAg9hmr
— Blake News (@blakehounshell) February 26, 2015
“All hands on deck!”
Every single researcher at Media Matters is working to get O’Reilly: http://t.co/QusbzUm9pu pic.twitter.com/gP0bfS7sAm
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) February 26, 2015
The reason is obvious of course:
Shorter Media Matters: "They got one of ours (Brian Williams), now it's payback time." (While admitting Brian Williams is not "neutral.")
— RBe (@RBPundit) February 26, 2015
@oliverdarcy Payback for Brian Williams
— ⚡️Erick Brockway⚡️ (@erickbrockway) February 26, 2015
Brian Williams. Or, as Media Matters refers to him these days, “WHO?”
That’s the same “media watchdog” that authored exactly zero stories in re: Brian Williams scandal.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) February 26, 2015
Nope, they’ve never heard of him.
Pathetic. "@oliverdarcy: Every single researcher at Media Matters is working to get O’Reilly: http://t.co/ndHnkRxiD0 pic.twitter.com/bJ86rqFp3j"
— Sheryl #rescue #loveofcountry (@sav01) February 26, 2015
@oliverdarcy @instapundit REALLY glad they have their priorities straight.
— Rani ~ Science Skeptic ? (@MilitaryRosary) February 26, 2015
It seems like only yesterday:
Media Matters is all hands on deck trying to take down O'Reilly. Remember when they said they'd won the War on Fox? LOL
— RBe (@RBPundit) February 26, 2015
Yes. Yes we do!
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