Promoting the White House’s “health care bracketology” site featuring GIFs of ducks, kittens and twerking accidents-waiting-to-happen, White House Assistant Press Secretary Matt Lehrich tweeted this:
Don't wait. Sign up meow! #getcovered MT @JimAcostaCNN Cat GIFs on WH site to urge enrollment by March 31 deadline.
— P. Rodenbush NARA (@Patrick44) March 17, 2014
“Sign up meow”? Is this real life?
Embarrassing MT @Lehrich44: Don't wait. Sign up meow! #getcovered MT @JimAcostaCNN Cat GIFs on WH site to urge enrollment by Mar 31 deadline
— Jason B. Whitman, OD (@JasonBWhitman) March 17, 2014
How much am I paying this idiot? –> MT @Lehrich44 Don't wait. Sign up meow! #getcovered
— jon gabriel (@exjon) March 17, 2014
Lehrich, tired of the blowback, brought more puns:
Claws really coming out from twitter haters on my "#getcovered meow" joke. Some of the things people will say on here gives you paws.
— P. Rodenbush NARA (@Patrick44) March 17, 2014
That didn’t make things better:
@Lehrich44 Sorry for getting personal, but holy hell man. Do you have any idea what's going on outside of the beltway right now?
— jon gabriel (@exjon) March 17, 2014
@Lehrich44 @exjon not feeling very reassured that these are the people in charge. The bar is low enough, now lower. 🙁
— Darcey (@Darcey70Darcey) March 17, 2014
@Erin44 @Lehrich44 HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA LOLOLOLO I pay your salaries.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 17, 2014
The adults must be locked in a closet somewhere.
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