@BarackObama, which is the Twitter account managed by Organizing for Action, tried to organize some hashtag mockery today and it didn’t go well, except for people who enjoyed making fun of OFA.
OFA was in a snit over the House passing a continuing resolution to fund the government through mid-December, but the resolution would not fund Obamacare. That caused OFA to throw a tantrum, and on top of that, to start a hashtag that descended into the surreal. The Republicans will do this #OrTheyShutDownTheGovernment:
What's next for @SpeakerBoehner and the House Shutdown Caucus? Stop oversalting the House cafeteria fries, #OrTheyShutDownTheGovernment.
— All On The Line (@allontheline) September 20, 2013
All sports announcers speak in a British accent from now on, #OrTheyShutDowntheGovernment.
— All On The Line (@allontheline) September 20, 2013
All dogs must wear socks, #OrTheyShutDownTheGovernment.
— All On The Line (@allontheline) September 20, 2013
Forget about the government, the Republicans should have focused on shutting down the OFA Twitter account.
Guess how many jellybeans are in this jar #OrTheyShutDownTheGovernment
— All On The Line (@allontheline) September 20, 2013
Everyone wears popped collars #OrTheyShutDownTheGovernment.
— All On The Line (@allontheline) September 20, 2013
Bring back blinking lights on tennis shoes. #OrTheyShutDownTheGovernment
— All On The Line (@allontheline) September 20, 2013
Please make it stop.
Bring Quidditch to the 2020 Summer Olympics #OrTheyShutDownTheGovernment.
— All On The Line (@allontheline) September 20, 2013
Wait, what?
You really suck at twitter. RT @OFA: Everyone wears popped collars #OrTheyShutDownTheGovernment.
— HouseRepEEE (@EEElverhoy) September 20, 2013
WTF??? RT @BecketAdams: Huh? RT @OFA: Everyone wears popped collars #OrTheyShutDownTheGovernment.
— Mary #FlyTheW (@mchastain81) September 20, 2013
Well, more people probably wear popped collars than believe that Obamacare is a boon to the economy.
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