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ANOTHER midterm Hail Mary: January 6th Commission subpoenas Donald Trump

The Democrats’ prospects to hold the House and/or Senate in the upcoming midterm elections look bleak, and you know what that means: Cue another desperate attempt to distract from the damage Biden and the Democrats have done. And that’s where the January 6th Commission comes in. Here’s the latest:


All we know is that Rob Reiner’s weekend has already been made.

Yeah, it’s incredibly obvious what this is all really about, and Liz Cheney doesn’t need to worry about the midterms because Wyoming voters have already shown her the door.


And they called Trump the “wannabe dictator”?



‘cAsE cLoSeD’! Rob Reiner dragged BIGLY for his ridiculously wrong legal take about Trump and January 6th

CLOWN SHOW: Blue Check professor compares January 6th Committee to the Declaration of Independence

ABC News reports ‘what we’ve learned’ from the January 6th hearings – leaves a few things out


Editor’s Note:

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