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Katie Pavlich obliterates John Kerry and his warning about 'growing' fossil fuel dependence

Former senator and Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry is now the Biden administration’s “climate envoy,” which of course requires plenty of travel to many parts of the world by bicycle… and airplane — but mostly airplane (and not the kind that are powered by rainbows & unicorn flatulence).


The nation’s “climate czar” is again sounding the alarm about the burning of fossil fuels as others in America look for loose change under their couch cushions to help afford gas for their cars:

That calls for a Katie Pavlich self-awareness check:

Is there any greater eco-hypocrite on the planet? Well, perhaps Kerry’s tied with Al Gore and some others for that dubious distinction.

There’s that too.

Or possibly several years. But according to Kerry he has to use private jets because it’s just so important for him to be able to travel the world sounding the climate change alarm.

The Kerrys have several homes. Here are some gems from a 2004 profile of the Kerrys from the New York Times:


In winter, he goes helicopter skiing while staying at his wife’s Idaho retreat, a 15th-century farmhouse transported from England and reassembled on the banks of the Big Wood River in Sun Valley. In summer, he windsurfs and sails off the coast of Nantucket, where she has another home. The couple have an 18th-century town house in Boston where the kitchen is two stories high. There is a 23-room town house in Washington, an 88-acre Pittsburgh area estate, a private Gulfstream jet and a personal staff of six, including caretakers and a cook.
Ms. Heinz Kerry bought the jet in the wake of her husband’s death in a charter plane crash in 1991, because she believed owning their own plane would make her and her family members safer, said Grant Oliphant, the associate director of the Heinz Endowments.

Mr. Kerry and his wife also have at least eight cars, including three sport utility vehicles at the Idaho house. He also has a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The cars are not flashy; there are two Chrysler sedans, and Mr. Kerry still drives his 1985 Dodge convertible.

The “climate czar,” ladies and gentlemen!

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