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'Testy!' Biden berates reporter for quoting what he said about opponents of 'voting rights' bill

At President Biden’s press conference today, he was asked about his remarks about opponents of the “voting rights” bill that he delivered recently in Georgia. Here’s part of what Biden said in that speech:


One reporter led things off by asking Biden about that, and how’s this for backpedal accompanied by denial?

“I didn’t say those things I clearly said” is quite the spin option for this one.


A little later, another reporter followed up and Biden accused him of not having listened to what he actually said that day. Let’s just say Biden didn’t want to deal with it:

Wow, somebody struck a nerve!


Yeah, when does Jim Acosta’s sequel to “Enemy of the People” come out? We won’t hold our breath.

Not counting the questions above, there were so many softballs.

Yes, well done.

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