On this 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we’ve already seen Florida Democrat Pam Keith letting everybody know that what happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th of this year means that 9/11/01 is no longer the worst thing that happened to America in her lifetime.
Another Florida Democrat, Nikki Fried, is running for governor of that state, which is a fact she reminded everybody about in a tweet about 9/11:
— Nikki Fried (@NikkiFried) September 11, 2021
Keep it classy!
It’s not about you.
Why would you put your campaign logo on this? https://t.co/ob3tgB91bW
— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) September 11, 2021
Fried’s campaign never takes even the briefest of breathers.
You would never even dream of putting your campaign logo on something like this. But it would never ever OCCUR to the communist to NOT put their logo on this. They cannot turn it off. Their religion consumes everything they do. It’s why they campaign at inappropriate times. https://t.co/YGk2tYDIVq
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) September 11, 2021
— Siraj Hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) September 11, 2021
Chief just texted, he said this ain’t it.
— Flex Johnson (@flexjohnson17) September 11, 2021
Get your trash logo off this tribute. https://t.co/qRfJKxImvf
— Kween Josie of Liberty, Pie & Figaro (@OfficialTRHL) September 11, 2021
How can you possibly think putting your campaign logo on a 9/11 poster was a good idea? https://t.co/kxiBgp7pzc
— Jen DinNJ (@JenDinnj) September 11, 2021
This is why you’re not even winning the Dem primary. https://t.co/qGgpzrHQJh
— RBe (@RBPundit) September 11, 2021
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