You might have noticed in recent days that many mainstream media outlets seem to be going out of their way to promote vaccine hesitancy.
The most outspoken people pushing ineffectiveness or irrelevance of vaccines are people on the Left and they’re oblivious to it.
— TheRightWingM 🇺🇸 (@TheRightWingM) July 31, 2021
The Biden administration said two such media outlets were pushing misinformation:
Reminder: yesterday an official in the Biden White House accused both the Washington Post and New York Times of spreading dangerously misleading information regarding COVID and vaccines. Can someone please explain how this doesn't make the two papers guilty of "misinformation"?
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) July 31, 2021
If it’s misinformation, why aren’t they flagged for it? Glenn Greenwald explains:
If these COVID tweets and articles had come from right-wing sites or independent journalists — instead of the NYT and WPost — they would have been labelled as misinformation, deleted or banned from social media platforms.
Censorship regimes always favor the establishment:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 31, 2021
Yep. Meanwhile, the New York Post got suspended for running a completely factual story about Hunter Biden.
Rules are only enforced based on who they want to punish.
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) July 31, 2021
And they couldn’t possibly make it more obvious.
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