White House chief of staff Ronald Klain is using part of today’s jobs report to try and spike the ball about job creation, and one thing about it seems abundantly clear:
When you think your followers are really stupid…
— Hannah Cox (@HannahDCox) July 2, 2021
Is there anything more disingenuous than shutting down businesses last year and blaming Trump, then re-opening with a Democrat in office and taking credit for all the “new” jobs? And yet here we are:
Trump's first year jobs record: 1.8 million new jobs.
Biden's first FIVE months: 3 million new jobs.https://t.co/bEH1fFpFec
— Ronald Klain (@WHCOS) July 2, 2021
Oh puh-leeze!
I wasn’t a Trump supporter at all, but I think most realize this is a ludicrous comparison.
— Paul (@jayphadden) July 2, 2021
Judging from many of the replies many people don’t care about the context behind all that as long as they can credit Biden. Reality begs to differ:
US unemployment in 2016 was 4.7, now it's 5.9 so even without mentioning the pandemic, "new" is a stretch. (You can call out dishonesty in the Biden administration, journos, you really can, it's ok!) https://t.co/vuASau6eQ7
— Karol Markowicz (@karol) July 2, 2021
Returning jobs are not new jobs. #TheyThinkYoureStupid https://t.co/QWxhIZ2lv1
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) July 2, 2021
This is framed in a really dishonest way. COVID(& gov't) artificially depressed the economy so there's that.
But nice try.— Señia (@SeniaVJ) July 2, 2021
Yeah government shut down of business and pandemic had nothing to do with this. Where when Trump got in none of that was the case
— Reaganette (@Ezinger44) July 2, 2021
Lol people will fall for this. Nice 😂
— TB12 NM29 (@JaysonRamsey9) July 2, 2021
This is the most disingenuous comparison ever 🙄
— Harpua (@Harpua71) July 2, 2021
It’s the most disingenuous comparison ever, at least until the next comparison the Biden White House makes.