President Biden concluded his trip overseas for the G7 summit, NATO meetings and another summit with Vladimir Putin, and the latter has Democrat Sen. Amy Klobuchar singing the president’s praises:
Standing up to dictators and reclaiming our leadership role: on this trip, President Biden has proven to the world that America is back.
— Amy Klobuchar (@amyklobuchar) June 17, 2021
Yeah, sorry senator, but not everybody saw the same thing you did.
Standing up to dictators? Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahaha.
No, he didn’t.— ShredderGirl (@ShredderBabe) June 17, 2021
Standing up to Putin by allowing him to have the Nord Stream 2 pipeline while killing the Keystone XL in the U.S. (along with thousands of jobs that went with it) and giving him a list of critical infrastructure that’s off-limits to cyberattack?
Telling dictators your weaknesses and making them promise they won’t exploit it isn’t “standing up” to them.
— JD Sharp (@imjdsharp) June 17, 2021
By giving pipelines back?
— Nurse Patriot (@LABeachGal1) June 17, 2021
Drug test Amy Klobuchar. Quickly.
— Rev. Chad Whiteman, NRP, TP-C (@ChadWithOneD) June 17, 2021
Really? I’m not taking a joint conference is a sure indication of weakness.
— Brenda (@Brenda51825146) June 17, 2021
Could you work on the dictator that is currently the governor of the state you represent?
— Annabelle (@blondebombMN) June 17, 2021
If Biden stood up to anybody on that trip, it was CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins.
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