Before we begin, here’s something to remember about the Democrat making the following claims about Gov. Ron DeSantis:
She has delusions of being the first female Governor of Florida.
— ParsingAmerica (@NoChromeHD) May 6, 2021
And if she’s running for governor, the attempt to suspend reality has already begun:
Florida is becoming less free and less democratic under @GovRonDeSantis.
RT for
— Nikki Fried (@NikkiFried) May 6, 2021
We see this in other locations across the world — China & Venezuela.
Authoritarian regimes have state run presses, not here in America.
— Nikki Fried (@NikkiFried) May 6, 2021
Fried’s triggering today was sparked by DeSantis’ signing legislation with Fox News being the only news outlet present.
Um, Nikki?
Did you not just have an exclusive op-ed printed in the Miami Herald YESTERDAY? No problem in that media access, correct? you explain the problem with one network seeing him sign a bill ceremoniously? What specifically is the violation?
— Brad Slager – Focused On Lasers (@MartiniShark) May 6, 2021
According to an equally unhinged Keith Olbermann, the DoJ should prosecute DeSantis — for what we have no idea.
She is a complete wack and her eyebrows are horrifying
— Just Mindy (@just_mindy) May 6, 2021
Right wing media? Holy cow but that’s a stretch.
— Chelle (@FL_Chelle) May 6, 2021
If Fried does decide to run for governor, there’s no doubt it would be entertaining in a delusional kind of way.
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