What sparked a Forbes fact check was Donald Trump Jr. tweeting this about a separate Washington Post fact check in regards to Biden and fracking:
Imagine how much easier it is to run as a Democrat when you have a multi billion dollar main stream media complex willing to lie and run cover for you at all times! Our media is broken. pic.twitter.com/O2GCyiLOVG
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 21, 2021
And with that, an article in Forbes explored the issue and found that Biden did not break his fracking promise:
However, Biden was on the receiving end of some friendly spin:
Imagine being a contemporary journalist, and instead of breaking news – let alone holding people in power – your job is to clean up after Dem politicians with whom you ideologically align.
"Here's why that's false."
"Biden… created confusion by misstating his position." pic.twitter.com/hinkhjOBAh
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) January 22, 2021
This is running some serious cover for the Democrat who is now in the White House:
“He didn’t lie, he just misstated his position a couple of times” is a special kind of Dem-friendly “journalism.”
Why is American trust in news media at a record low?
News Media Factcheckers:
Biden didn't *lie* in the debates with Sanders and Trump.
He *misstated* his position.https://t.co/5z2FT0ti2U https://t.co/HVsYVmBxtl— Arthur Kimes (@ComradeArthur) January 22, 2021
Journalism is dead. Replaced by political activism masquerading as the “news” sans integrity, objectivity, facts or the truth.
— Kat (@katastik65) January 22, 2021
NPR also knows how the game is played:
Get this. pic.twitter.com/XMMmTMu1ja
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) January 22, 2021
The media does yeoman’s work to help Democrats out of fact check jams.