Back in July author Stephen King tweeted that he was horrified by all the Trump yard signs in the area where he lives, and Joy Behar advised him to move. If King were to move, it might not be to Florida at this moment, because he’s perplexed by what’s happening in the state:
Thousands of people are dead in Florida, the tourist industry has taken a body blow, but Biden and Trump are tied, 48% to 48%. Help me understand this.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) September 8, 2020
It might not be hard to explain.
It's hilarious how frustrated all these arrogant dorks are getting, realizing that the rube hillbillies are actually smarter than them and understand what a virus is.
— The Partyman (@PartymanRandy) September 9, 2020
I tried
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 9, 2020
Let me help you …
Trump is really up 8-10.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) September 8, 2020
And besides, maybe the question should be put differently…
Florida did far better than New York. Florida has 650k cases with 11K dead. New York has 445k cases and 33k dead.
Cuomo's polices ripped through long term care like a scythe felling ripe wheat.
— Scott Paterno (@ScottPaterno) September 9, 2020
And yet Biden is polling ahead of Trump in New York. Maybe that’s the question King should have asked:
He need to explain how Biden is ahead in New York first.
— smelvis (@BlueelvisEric) September 9, 2020
Thousands more are dead in New York, NYC is dying and likely dead for a generation, but Biden is ahead by 10%. Help me understand this.
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) September 9, 2020
You just described numerous states – why single out Florida? New York has 4x the deaths while Florida has a larger population, yet Cuomo is beloved. Help us understand that…
— Brad Slager: Me, Gerard, Bourbon, and Poor Choices (@MartiniShark) September 9, 2020
The worst COVID response in the country in New York yet they glorify Cuomo who killed 10K's elderly in nursing homes and keep voting for the same corrupt Democrat leadership.
Help me to understand this.
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) September 9, 2020
The fact that he's pointed to Florida, which is nowhere near the numbers of places like NY, NJ, PA, MI, CT, MA proves he's either super uniformed or a straight partisan hack.
— Michael Allen Moore (@michaelamoore97) September 9, 2020
It’s a toss-up.
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