This won’t surprise you, but the most triggered member of the Hollywood chapter of the anti-Trump Resistance continues to flail about everybody dying because Trump is in the White House — specifically about the president’s call to open schools in the fall:
Donald Trump is actively trying to kill our children.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) July 16, 2020
Somebody tell Reiner that Trump is the president and doesn’t work for a different organization:
What's your stance on abortion?
I thought so.
— RBe (@RBPundit) July 16, 2020
Care to comment on Planned Parenthood?
— Ben Witt (@Benamite) July 16, 2020
Now do planned parenthood.
— St. Chad of Merica (@StChadOfMerica) July 16, 2020
No, that’s planned parenthood. And they aren’t just trying, they actually are.
— Jason E Wheeler (@Jasonew6) July 16, 2020
Planned Parenthood IS actively killing our children. There, fixed it for you.
— HardAttack (@attack_hard) July 16, 2020
You mean by allowing tax dollars to fund planned parenthood?
— jeffrey fornstrom (@jefffornstrom) July 16, 2020
I think you meant to say Planned Parenthood is actively trying to kill our children.
— thatsaboutenough (@Todd_Eugene47) July 16, 2020
So is Planned Parenthood but you dont mention them.
— HankLydon (@lydon_hank) July 16, 2020
There’s no projection and self-unawareness like liberal Hollywood projection and self-unawareness!
“Why is America so divided” asks the people who don’t hesitate to call political opponents “Nazis” or child murderers.
— Henry (@HMSPitts) July 16, 2020
The key to any argument is becoming hysterical early and staying there.
— MetricButtload (@monkeyboy100001) July 16, 2020
No, no he is not.
— Amy Curtis (@RantyAmyCurtis) July 16, 2020
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