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'KABOOOOM'! Kayleigh McEnany drops a 50 megaton self-awareness nuke on WaPo, NYT, NPR and Vox about early coronavirus reporting (and uses their own stories to do it)

Kayleigh McEnany, the new White House press secretary, held another presser today. During one round of questioning about initially downplaying the coronavirus outbreak in the early stages, McEnany wasn’t about to let anybody in the press pretend they were among the prescient ones who saw it coming:


Well dayum!


That much is certain.


The media used to complain about a lack of Trump admin daily press briefings, but now that McEnany has the job and has been doing them, the WH press corps might start hoping they take another extended break.



White House press briefing kicks off with journo asking Kayleigh McEnany to ‘pledge never to lie to us from that podium’

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