As 2020 Democrats demonstrated last night, they’re going completely off the rails with their plans ostensibly intended to address man-made climate change. Here’s a compilation video of ban-happy Dems via Grabien News founder Tom Elliott:
SUPERCUT — Dems’ global warming solution: Ban straws, red meat, gas-powered cars, incandescent bulbs, nuclear energy, fracking, natural gas exports, off-shore drilling, factory farming, and … “carbon" #CNNClimateTownHall
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 5, 2019
Wow, that was… something else.
But the climate change agenda definitely isn’t an ideological quest for power, I promise!
— Cunning Storm (@CunningStorm) September 5, 2019
From their own mouths:
Democrats want to dramatically reduce our standard of living and control our lives.#CNNClimateTownHall
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) September 5, 2019
That’s abundantly clear.
They just had to not be crazy.
— Karol Markowicz (@karol) September 5, 2019
Astounding. These people are absolutely terrifying. There is no area of anyone’s life that they will not micromanage and ban, given power. I honestly despair for America.
— Clay Staggs (@claystaggs) September 5, 2019
Let’s just ban democrats instead.
— Chris Shurley (@ChrisShurley) September 5, 2019
Wait…what? How does nuclear energy contribute to global warming?
— Tim Trible (@timtrible) September 5, 2019
From the people that think we could have stopped Dorian.
Spend 5 minutes thinking about what carbon free means and you can never vote for any of these people. Either they are idiots or they are counting on the fact that you are an idiot.
— Brad Sutton (@bwsttn) September 5, 2019
Imagining that CNN is playing 8 dimensional underwater chess and secretly pulling for a Trump second term for ratings is the only way to rationalize these town halls
— Joshua Byrd (@CaviarEmptier) September 5, 2019
Sounds like a winning strategy for Trump 2020!!!!
— Carl???????Due (@due_carl) September 5, 2019
And they don’t seem to get that at all.
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