In the wake of the shootings in El Paso and Dayton, who’s up for a lecture about responsible gun laws from Barack Obama’s former wingman (and current wingman for that matter) Eric Holder?
Mental health? That’s the go-to place for people who want the status quo. Changing our insane gun laws is the place to start.
— Eric Holder (@EricHolder) August 5, 2019
So who wants to tell him?
Rich coming from the fast & furious guy
— Drex (@DREX_IT) August 7, 2019
You should probably sit this one out, Mr. “Fast and Furious“.
— Carlton Hinds (@methuselaschild) August 6, 2019
Holder’s self-awareness remains nowhere in sight.
guy that supplied a Mexican drug cartel with a .50 bmg says what?
— Dr. Richard Harambe (@Richard_Harambe) August 6, 2019
Liberal gun-runner wants to take our guns fast and furiously.
— Steve Jones ?-? ? (@Arkyhog) August 6, 2019
We should ship them all down to Mexico so that… oh. Sorry; was typing so fast and furious I didn't realize you already did that.
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) August 5, 2019
Does Fast and Furious ring any bells? Your lack of self awareness is laughable ??
— rebel millennial (@patriotic_giant) August 5, 2019
This coming from a Federal government approved gun runner..
— Bobacheck (@Bobacheck) August 6, 2019
Remember Fast and Furious?
— VMosch (@mosch_123) August 5, 2019
Which of the 22k gun laws already on the books would you change, Eric?
— The?FOO (@PolitiBunny) August 6, 2019
I'd make one where you can't run guns to drug lords in Mexico.
— Federalist Musket?? (@Patriot_Musket) August 6, 2019
If only somebody would have thought of that when Eric Holder was the AG.
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