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Dem talking point of the day: Pence is awful because wouldn't talk to or even look at people in detention centers (Reality: He did)

Mike Pence visited Texas detention facilities yesterday, and one video in particular has Resistance liberals such as Chris Hayes and others slamming the VP for what he allegedly didn’t do:



Hayes’ take fit the desired narrative enough to get an AOC retweet:


First of all, could Secret Service concerns have had something to do with what was going on in the video Hayes tweeted?

However, during his tour of facilities, Pence did talk to people as evidenced by photos and videos that won’t be shared nearly as much in Resistance circles:


After his visit, Pence called “Fake News” on CNN:

What a surprise. *Eye roll*

Perhaps liberals long for the days when a politician would be brave enough to actually approach the fence:

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