There are reports this morning that President Trump had approved military strikes against Iran but called them off at the last minute. All that, plus the Trump administration pulling out of the Iran Deal, left former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes in an extra self-unaware mood:
This is precisely why politics isn’t a game, diplomatic agreements should be honored, and temperament, intellect and judgement are what matters in who is President. It should never have come to this.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) June 21, 2019
Maybe Trump should have just sent over another pallet of cash.
Rhodes continued:
Iran incoherence and danger of unnecessary war. Children detained in horrific conditions. Rising risk of economic downturn. Constitutional norms gutted. It takes time for a President’s actions to become manifest in consequences. Now we see them unfolding before our eyes.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) June 21, 2019
“Constitutional norms”? Quite the concern coming from somebody who worked for President Pen & Phone.
We didn’t need to pull out of a deal that was working. And we don’t need to go to war over a drone.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) June 21, 2019
As for Iran, Rhodes once again needs to take a seat.
This is where Rhodes assumes (correctly) reporters are going to ignore 1) number of previous agreements (with allies instead of enemies!) Obama admin abandoned (Poland missile defense shield, Israeli settlements, Budapest Memorandum etc.) and…
— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) June 21, 2019
2) Rhodes and company explicitly argued that the nuclear deal was strictly about nuclear issues and should not consider/impose requirements related to Iran’s other rogue behavior. The very behavior that has continued and they are now blaming on withdrawal from that deal.
— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) June 21, 2019
But at least Rhodes helped prove a point with his concern about “diplomatic agreements,” though not the one he wanted:
Again: If you want agreements to last, you ratify them in the Senate.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) June 21, 2019
And it's precisely why you ratify such agreements in the Senate. I'd say you're learning something if I didn't know you were so damned obtuse.
— Chris Hynes (@realchrishynes) June 21, 2019
If only there were some process to establish enduring treaties, as laid out in the Constitution, which your administration decided to neglect thus making it completely nonbinding and transient.
— Mike Nelson (@mikenelson586) June 21, 2019
Bingo. One final question:
What have Obama, DiChi, and Kerry been advising Iran to do in their recent consultations?
— Terry_Jim ? Terry in CB (@Terry_Jim) June 21, 2019
God only knows.
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