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#FakeNews-a-Palooza! Brit Hume hammers 'dishonest' CNN for spreading out-of-context Dem talking point on Kavanaugh

Congressional Democrats quickly started spreading a brief clip of Brett Kavanaugh answering a question to sound the alarm about the SCOTUS nominee. Among them was Sen. Kamala Harris:


The clip leaves out some important context, but CNN helped the Dems out by not exactly concerning themselves with that:

Fox News’ Brit Hume threw a bushel of apples & bananas at CNN over that approach:

Ironically CNN bills itself as the “Facts First” news organization — unless those facts should be buried deep into a story so as to not ruin a preferred Dem narrative.


WHAT media bias?



FACTS FIRST: Lanny Davis outs himself as CNN’s anonymous source on Trump Tower meeting

LMAO! Lanny Davis clears CNN of journalistic malpractice for BS Trump Tower story

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