The confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh are scheduled to begin in the Senate early next month, and Dems are throwing out everything including the kitchen sink in an effort to stop Trump’s SCOTUS nominee from being confirmed.
Feminist and social justice warrior Lauren Duca went on a multi-city tour and met with liberal politicians who share a desire to “stop Kavanaugh,” and Duca thinks it might produce dividends (in a metaphorical, non-capitalist kind of way):
10 cities in 14 days, and all I got was this overwhelming feeling that we can #StopKavanaugh
— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) August 25, 2018
And there are more events planned tomorrow intended to “stop Kavanaugh”:
Participate in Unite for Justice’s Day of Action with me on Sunday, August 26th? There will be demonstrations to #StopKavanaugh all over the country. Find the one closest to you here:
— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) August 25, 2018
We’re not sure the Senate Republicans will be equally moved by the liberals’ desire to “stop Kavanaugh.”
You’re gonna be in for some serious disappointment. ?
— Edwin Lefevre (@HereForTheRatio) August 25, 2018
Senate how does it work?
— Phiophill (@Phiophills) August 25, 2018
Senate confirmation. That's uh… not how it works.
— John Noonan (@noonanjo) August 25, 2018
this is just getting sad, tbh
— Alexandra DeSanctis (@xan_desanctis) August 25, 2018
And we ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!
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