Parkland shooting survivor and anti-NRA, pro-gun control activist David Hogg is very politically vocal, but he says that doesn’t mean he endorses candidate:
I do not endorse people, period. People must do their own research and educate themselves on the candidates before they vote for our system of government to work.
Upcoming elections
-August 28th is school board elections and primaries
-November 6th is the general election
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) August 17, 2018
Kyle Kashuv found something inconsistent with Hogg’s claim:
Oh. So the only exception to your nonexistent rule is when it's @Ocasio2018? Good to know.
Stop being such a partisan hack who can't support something all the families are behind from both sides of the gun debate
You're a clown and a disgrace. #FixIt
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) August 17, 2018
It depends on what your definition of “endorsement” is:
Future president.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) July 20, 2018
Hogg had to quickly spin that nearly month-old tweet today:
For the record, this is not an endorsement I just wish more politicians would listen to their constituents like this.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) August 17, 2018
Ah, OK.
*tweets conveniently 10 minutes after @KyleKashuv points out the flaw with it*
— Ava Stigler (@stigservative) August 17, 2018
Total coincidence.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might be disappointed to hear that Hogg’s not fully behind a potential presidential run someday.
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