President Trump is in London today and meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May, and as promised, protesters were in the area with what was billed as a giant “baby Trump” blimp. However, it depends on what your definition of “giant” is:
The giant balloon depicting President Trump as a pouting orange baby took flight in London as part of Britain's "Stop Trump" protests
— The New York Times (@nytimes) July 13, 2018
Warning: Rapid downgrading in progress!
All week I’ve been hearing this thing was a “blimp.” Now it’s a giant balloon.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 13, 2018
Was a “blimp” now a “giant” balloon
— AJWizzle اندرو☝️ (@AJWizzle) July 13, 2018
— Currently between fraudulent suspensions (@jtLOL) July 13, 2018
The photos of the anti-Trump “blimp” at the protest didn’t quite live up to the hype:
They hyped it as being as big as, um, Big Ben.
— Cuffy (@CuffyMeh) July 13, 2018
It’s not quite that large:
Giant #fakenews
Wow, the size of this balloon. It can be seen from at least 20 metres away. Trump will think twice before visiting the UK again I can tell you.— Daradol (@Daradol1) July 13, 2018
It’s almost like a protest promise bait & switch:
sort of the perfect expectations v. reality metaphor for #TheResistance
— Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) July 13, 2018
25 feet in the air is not "taking flight" just imagine how much good the money these idiots raised could have done if they actually donated it to a charity rather than a pity party
— Blackfoot_Bearded_Chief (@Blackfoot_Beard) July 13, 2018
That is also not a "giant" balloon. We were promised a blimp-sized Baby Trump soaring over London. This is just some hippies with a largish balloon. #FakeBlimp
— Angus T. Kirk (@angusparvo) July 13, 2018
Giant? You goofy bastards will spin ANYTHING! ??
— Lady Stevie ??? (@StevieRenee3) July 13, 2018
This will be as effective as Hillary; that is, not at all.
— RightWired (@_donaldson) July 13, 2018
I was anticipating something like the Macy's Day parade, not a Chuck-e-Cheese roadside promotional.
— Earl Fando (@earlfando) July 13, 2018
Trump's super power is that the people mocking him always end up looking sillier than he does.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) July 13, 2018
Even “fact checkers” got in on the act:
Also note that the misleading image on the left was promoted by "fact checker" @snopes
— Angus T. Kirk (@angusparvo) July 13, 2018
Maybe next time, Resistance.
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