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BAM! Tammy Bruce DROPS Peter Fonda for now deleted Kirstjen Nielsen hate (saved here for 'morally superior liberal' posterity); Update: Fonda's Sarah Sanders tweet ALSO deleted

As we told you earlier, Peter Fonda came completely unglued in an anti-Trump rant in which he said somebody should “rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms” and called for the children of ICE agents to be frightened in their schools. But Fonda also turned his focus to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Jake Tapper was among those calling Fonda out for his awful tweet:


Tammy Bruce also blasted Fonda:

Fonda has deleted a couple of tweets so far today, and that was one of them. But Bruce has it saved forever, and Fonda’s attempt to memory hole the tweet isn’t going to be so easy:

Stay classy, Hollywood lefties! And speaking of posterity, that’s what Fonda’s tweet has now been saved for.


The TDS has grown beyond out of control.


As Bruce pointed out, Fonda has used similar language about other Trump administration women:

Classy. *Eye roll*



Bingo! Tammy Bruce LEVELS Sally Field’s tweet that unwittingly speaks VOLUMES about Hollywood

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