This morning, GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell responded to the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida this way:
Schools should be places where children can learn, and faculty and staff can work, without fear of violence. My colleagues from Florida will carry home the prayers of the whole Senate, for victims and their families, for the community of Parkland, and for the first responders.
— Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) February 15, 2018
Bette Midler was among lefties blaming Republicans and the NRA for the horrific actions of Nikolas Cruz:
Hollywood liberals often get accused of having double standards, so not everybody’s applauding Midler’s tweet:
You and your obfuscating shills in the entertainment industry glorify violence, especially gun violence, in movies and TV, which teaches kids that's the best way to solve problems and get even. So spare me your righteous indignation.
— Bean Counter (@TNBeanCounter) February 15, 2018
Now do Planned Parenthood.
— horse with no name (@anthymspirit) February 15, 2018
Bette Midler ‘so ashamed’ of US where you’re free to ‘get a gun and kill anyone you feel like’
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