In the past year we’ve seen countless examples of Democrats and the media (pardon the redundancy) slamming President Trump for expressing any optimism when it comes to a coronavirus vaccine or the eventual end of the pandemic. However, timing is everything, and former Barack Obama speechwriter and Pod Save America co-host Jon Favreau says the time has come for some positive, optimistic stories:
This is such a welcome piece.
There’s been a tendency to emphasize the bad or scary news in pandemic coverage and undersell the good or hopeful news. That itself has an effect on public health.
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) January 18, 2021
Well, Trump has less than 48 hours left in office, so let the abundantly obvious shift in narrative begin!
Suddenly, magically, the pundit class will look to highlight good news…
— RBe (@RBPundit) January 18, 2021
Left-wing gatekeepers now permitting positive news again
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 18, 2021
It’s just like magic.
Huh. Now that Orange Man Bad is gone, it's time to put a positive spin on everything.
— Grand Moff Snarkin' (@MadcapMcQ) January 18, 2021
Democrat back in the WH. Good news is back on the menu, boys!
— Dave (@BulleitBro) January 18, 2021
And New York is opening back up!
— Rich Wanker (@Rich_Wanker) January 18, 2021
Dems and the media couldn’t make it more obvious if they tried.
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