Now that we as a society have decided that the oldest members of our society should always be the ones to lead us, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has decided that despite being 82 years old his time in the political limelight needs to keep on going as he has announced that he will be running for reelection.
Let me thank the people of Vermont, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the opportunity to serve them in the United States Senate. It has been the honor of my life.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 6, 2024
Today, I am announcing my intention to seek another term. Here is why:
Sanders, who was born nearly two months before the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by the then Empire of Japan in 1941, would be granted a 4th term in office should he win his bid to maintain his current seat. It doesn't come as any great shock that Sanders is looking to remain on the Government payroll, of course, since outside of some odd jobs here and there Bernie Sanders (who styles himself a Democratic Socialist because of his strong affinity for and understanding of the working man and his needs) has never drawn a paycheck for non-government related work. Some might consider hanging up their hat after 43 years continuously in elected office but there will it seems be no passing of the torch by Senator Sanders, who would be 88 at the end of the term should he win reelection.
You are 82, sir. Stand down and allow somebody much, MUCH younger to serve
— Tom Buckley (@BullheadRanch) May 6, 2024
We need a new generation. Boomers are so last century. With respect, sir.
— Joel Cardwell (@joelcardwellX) May 6, 2024
Time to go home Bernie
— Lord Henry (@HenryIkwunemere) May 6, 2024
Yes, but the question there is to which home should he go?
From "millionaires shouldn't exist" to
— Joey S (@JoeySFromCO) May 6, 2024
"I need a fourth mansion, please reelect"
You're 82.
Bernie, it should be remembered, has done very well for himself for a man who's subsisted on a public salary for his entire adult life... not that there's anything suspicious there at all.
And the grift goes on. He doesn't know how to do anything else.
— Rae A (@xrae) May 6, 2024
Retire. Do everyone a favour...and just let go...of the corruption
— CrookedNervosness.bit (@CrookedCKB) May 6, 2024
kick rocks, Commie
— The Real Timothy Corvette (@realTimothyC) May 6, 2024
Now now, Democratic Socialism isn't the same thing as 'Communism' for reasons... ill defined reasons that change based on what the argument is that's being made, but reasons nonetheless.
Good lord, no. Just go away and never come back.
— Garrick I - Rex Britannia - Imperator Americae (@Boydesian) May 6, 2024
Remember that to this day, this guy won't say anything bad about the Soviet Union while condemning his own country up and down
— kc2fargo (@kc2fargo) May 6, 2024
A large percentage of the people who complain about the age of the Senate are his supporters.
— Sunny (@sunnyright) May 6, 2024
So I assume they'll be upset about this, yeah?
Yeah, no, there will be no consistency to be had on this issue. Democrats are great at holding two ideas in their head at the same time but not by the usual method of making them work together, they just pretend one or the other thing isn't something they believe when it's inconvenient because 'this is different' or something.
The question of course is if the people of Vermont will see fit to reelect Sanders, but Vermont is somewhat notorious for having insane politics and only sending the most liberal candidates to Washington of late so he'll probably win handily. Lucky us.
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